Conflict Resolution & Improving Work Relationships
Supporting you to resolve conflict within your team, preventing risk to employee wellbeing, productivity and engagement.
How we can support you
Conflict Resolution for Your Workplace
The longer that it takes to find harmony, the greater the negative impacts on individuals and the broader team. For this reason, managing conflict well is a key factor in reducing potential long term risks and restoring effective team relationships.
At Converge, we work with organisations to identify their needs so that a suitable service can be provided which complements your organisation’s internal procedures and the needs of your staff and team. We manage the processes with impartiality, clear communication and a solutions-focus.
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EAP hours completed
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Critical Incidents and 40,000+ hours of support provided
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Conflict resolution services
Help your teams rebuild their relationships
Workplace Mediation
Workplace mediation involves an independent mediator working with two or more team members experiencing impacted by a strained working relationship. The mediator provides a structured process to enable a constructive discussion of the issues that need resolution.
Mediation can be suitable when:
- There has been a breakdown in a workplace relationship between team members
- Independence and confidentiality are required to build trust and safety to discuss sensitive topics
- The conflict has spilled over and is impacting a whole team
- There has been a complaint raised by one or more team members against another
- It is required as a step in a grievance process or a formal investigation
- An internal resolution has been attempted but without success
Facilitated Discussion
A facilitator supports a discussion between two or more people to develop understanding and agreements about ways of working and communication. While it remains structured and effective, it is slightly less formal. It can also be adapted for groups.
Facilitated discussions can be suitable when:
- A more informal approach is preferred
- An arm’s length, independent and confidential process is still required
- Difficulties have arisen between team members and a ‘lighter touch’ approach is preferred
- Previous internal attempts to resolve the issues have not worked
- Several people are involved in a dysfunctional workplace dynamic
Conflict Coaching
Conflict Coaching develops skills for understanding and improving a work relationship that has been impacted by conflict or challenges. It provides practical benefits for individual team members as well as people managers to achieve positive change in the workplace.
A Conflict Coaching Program involves:
- Setting agreed goals between a representative of the workplace and the coachee.
- Clarifying the expectations regarding feedback that the workplace needs at the end of the coaching, while maintaining confidentiality of discussions.
- Structured meetings between coach and coachee for a planned number of regular sessions
Team Dynamics Assessment
A Team Dynamics Assessment provides a way to independently hear from staff about their experiences so that key issues can be identified along with ideas for their resolution. An independent process provides a safe space to discuss their concerns and experience of the team dynamics as well as what they hope to see change.
A global, strategic approach to increase utilisation and awareness of a preventative EAP and wellbeing service
A global, strategic approach to increase utilisation and awareness of a preventative EAP and wellbeing service.