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November has become synonymous with Movember and a time to shine a spotlight on men’s mental health…

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 45% of all Australians aged 16-85 years have at some point in life experienced a mental illness. 65% of them don’t take serious steps to rectify the issue, like seeing a professional. Only 40% of Medicare-subsidised mental health services in Australia are accessed by males. This is despite the fact that the number of suicide deaths is alarmingly 3 times higher in males than females.

So, what role does the workplace have to play? Well, the issues surrounding men’s mental health are also evident in the workplace. A recent survey of 15,000 employees across 30 Australian organisations conducted by Mind shows that men are twice as likely to have mental health problems due to their job compared to problems outside of work. In fact, 32% of those surveyed attributed poor mental health to their job.

Then, there are the issues surrounding seeking help. According to research from Towergate Health and Protection, men are half as likely to reach out for emotional support in the workplace compared to women. Given that we spend much of our lives in the workplace, it’s clear that employers can do a lot to provide a supportive atmosphere and accelerate the culture shift required to effect change in men’s mental health.

What’s impacting men’s mental health?

Unhappy young man with mental health issues sitting on edge of bed and staring out of window

The first step in solving any issue is taking the time to understand the problem. While there are numerous factors impacting men’s mental health in society, there are also some dynamics and problems specific to the workplace. These include:

Monetary pressure: Although the women’s empowerment movement is changing historic expectations and norms, for many men and families, there is still an ‘expectation’ for men to provide financially for themselves and their families. Significant or debilitating mental health issues could be potentially seen as men not fulfilling their responsibility to family, which for many is beyond contemplation – many men accept they have to soldier on.

Work culture: The stereotypical ‘macho culture’ of some workplaces and the harmful perception that male employees should ‘man up’ and not talk about their emotions continue to be detrimental to men’s mental health. It increases the chances that men will continue to work through mental health issues rather than seek help, or even show the vulnerability to recognise a problem exists in the first place.

Work pressures:

Factors that contribute to poor mental health at work include:

  • Gender norms that insist men do dangerous or higher risk work
  • Lack of clarity about job role and responsibilities
  • Historically traditional cultures that have men avoid seeking help in aspect of their work or admit they are struggling
  • Inadequate resources, tools, and training
  • Work overload and pressure to meet targets
  • Job insecurity
  • Long working hours
  • Bullying
  • Poor communication with colleagues and management
  • Lack of control and exclusion from decision-making

How to support men’s mental health at work

An adult man, looking happy, talking with random people from the group therapy.

While encouraging employees to check in on colleagues to find out how they are going, can be beneficial, the workplace should be looking to make a more impactful difference, and intentionally drive supportive behaviours and culture. Indeed, health-improvement initiatives in the workplace that are tailored specifically to men are not only more effective at engaging men, but are also welcomed and valued by them.

The first, and perhaps the most important step, in addressing mental health challenges is promoting a workplace where:

  1. all staff members are supported,
  2. communication is open,
  3. help is accessible, and
  4. positive mental health is actively monitored and promoted.

Promoting an overall workplace culture where employees feel safe to disclose a mental health issue can aid both women’s and men’s mental health. Ultimately, the alternative is a workplace where problems are ignored and vulnerable individuals are in danger of spiralling into negative cycles of stress and dysfunction culminating in more serious and intractable mental health conditions that can be time consuming, expensive and difficult to treat.

Other initiatives that can aid men’s mental health in the workplace include:

Onsite support: Converge has a 60-year history providing onsite support to male dominated workplaces.  Why?  Because for many work environments, the trust that is built through having regular support from the same individual or small team provides opportunity to notice change in team members over time and allows for opportunistic help-seeking that would not happen if it required some men to pick up the phone and ask for help.  Being a trusted face around the workplace really matters and can make a life-changing difference.

Manager training: Line managers should be trained in to looking out for the symptoms of poor mental health. Perhaps an extrovert becomes quiet and withdrawn in team meetings, or a highly productive person suddenly falls behind their peers. Whatever the case, spotting the signs of poor mental health can make a huge difference to someone who is suffering. Line managers can be trained to have difficult conversations about mental health.

Target the language: For men, the words ‘mental health’ can cause confusion or even detachment from the conversation. When men talk about mental health, they usually use more specific terms like anxiety, stress, anger, and overload (or colloquial terms that mean the same things!). Using specific terms such as ‘worried’ or ‘fearful’ or ‘feeling flat’ rather than ‘mental health’ or ‘depression’ can be more beneficial, as it is relatable.

Create safe spaces: From peer group discussions, to ‘buddy programs’ create a safe space for employees to talk about their mental health so they don’t feel alone in their experiences. Ensure these are well-advertised and easy to access.

Have an open approach: Having your CEO, leadership team ormanagers be open about their mental health issues will help your teams feel like they can be open too.  Role modelling and normalising vulnerability and how you overcame your issues can be very powerful in male dominated workplaces.

Clearly signpost places of support: From the company’s EAP service, to specific men’s mental health support, peer support and buddy programs, ensure all of these supports are clearly signposted throughout the workplace. Throughout Movember, it can also be beneficial to create an email banner about where employees can go if they require specific and funded mental health support.

Normalise conversations: An environment where men can open up about their feelings will help support conversations around mental wellbeing. Charities such as Movember make it easy for workplaces to raise awareness of male mental health issues by providing resources and event ideas that approach more challenging topics in an engaging and light-hearted way.

Keep it confidential: In dealing with sensitive disclosures that arise from open discussions, ensure sound principles of privacy and confidentiality are understood by team members participating in these important discussions.


Ultimately, both individuals and employers need to encourage men to share mental health experiences and challenges and let them know that it’s not a sign of weakness – it’s a sign of strength – to address the issues we all face in life from time to time, that can, if left unchecked deteriorate into depression, anxiety or more severe mental illness.

Need Support?

Do you want to access a number of free and confidential counselling services with a skilled mental health professional or coach?

The simplest option, use our online booking or simply call Converge International, your EAP provider on 1300 687 327

Not sure where else I can call?

Lifeline: 13 11 14

Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467

Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636

Open Arms – Veterans & Family Counselling: 1800 011 046

Sane Australia – 1800 18 7 263

Care Anytime Anywhere

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