How do we support you through organisational change?
We recognise the importance of organisational change and the struggle that often accompanies it. Employees are often fearful and can be overwhelmed, limiting their ability to support the change being sought.
Change in organisations takes many forms. Whether it’s structural change or whole-of-organisation digital transformation, it drives well-known stress responses and reactions that increase people risk.
So how do you find a way forward?
We step in and step out of your organisation to support your people throughout the entire transformation journey, Helping you get a better change outcome with a lower negative impact on your people.
Our sweet spot is understanding and guiding the people aspects of change. We provide support during specific stages of the change management process. We also work with your executive and senior managers to plan the right support at the right time and build this into your overall transformation program.
We are there for you and your people for:
We know we can help you get the best results if we get in early. We work with teams ahead of the transformation to help them psychologically prepare for what is to come. This is where we do some sensitive risk assessment work to plan tactically how to respond to individuals and teams that are most likely to struggle.
We guide you on how to frame the change in a people sensitive way which helps to lower the risk of the announcement landing poorly and getting off on the wrong foot.
At the time of the announcement, we go the extra mile and organise skilled mental health practitioners to be present in your organisation. We work closely with the most change-impacted teams, particularly for key meetings or symbolic moments in the change program. Importantly, we also discreetly provide one-on-one support to individuals as and when needed.
We recognise the impact workplace change has on employees and we look out for and respond to behavioural and emotional responses that will invariably arise during the change process. We know this is predictable, but not linear, which requires dynamics to be read and interpreted in real-time to achieve the best results.
Psychological reactions to change are complex and ever-changing. This can be confusing to managers and those in charge of running the change agenda. We’re not confused: this is what we do.
We work alongside you and offer essential independence, confidentiality and an understanding of human psychology and behaviour that is invaluable when emotions are running high.
Change takes time. So, we stick around until the job is done. We know the experience of rebuilding trust and a positive team and organisational culture takes a while.
And when the work world is altered, it can be fragile and things can unzip quickly. We usually get a read on this and can intervene before they do.
So, we stay the journey to ensure your employees are looked after until the change is successfully consolidated.