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Leadership Development

Creating a pool of future leadership talent.

What is Leadership Development?

Our Leadership Development Programs are highly tailored to meet your specific leadership objectives and aspirations.

We have developed a comprehensive range of proven modules that we are confident deliver the results you’re looking for. Each one is based around an important five-step process:

  1. First, we focus on building self-awareness in participants to give them insight into their strengths and areas for development.
  2. Then we set learning and development goals for each individual, consistent with the overall objectives of the leadership program.
  3. We test, challenge and extend your leaders in ways that ensure they maximise their personal learning.
  4. We focus on the practical and use real-world work problems and struggles to test and trial new leadership approaches and practice more powerful conversations in a controlled way that builds confidence and skill.
  5. You’ll begin to see your people become more confident and effective in their leadership roles.
  • Demonstrably more positive mental health and wellbeing metrics
  • Improved culture and morale across teams
  • Reduced people risk and poor behaviour
  • Greater consistency and cohesion across managers and their teams
  • A larger pool of positive organisational role models and future leaders
  • More effective people performance translating into improved bottom-line results

Our Programs

This is one of our newest and most popular leadership programs.  It is ideally suited to organisations seeking to create a culture where employees and managers are mentally strong, resilient and set up to thrive.

Our Mental Fitness Leadership Program engages participants in a 6–12-month independent learning and coaching relationship. The program is designed to help leaders develop self-awareness in relation to their own Mental Fitness and then to role model and promote a mentally fit culture within their own team or area of responsibility for enhanced resilience, improved performance and overall wellbeing.

This is an intensive 5-day program working with new leaders to embed the skills they need for future success.

The Emerging Leaders Program clarifies what ideal leadership is and the expectations of what it means to carry a leadership role in a progressive organisation. A key outcome is to bring about a shift in emphasis from technical leadership of processes to a contemporary people-centred leadership approach.

We plan and pace this 5-day program to fit in with participants’ busy work world.

With 8 core and proven modules, we blend online and direct learning to fit in with your leaders’ busy work program.

After extensive consultation with you, we will adapt our core modules, build your leadership program then find the most workable timing of workshops and learning experiences to ensure they are sensibly paced for maximum learning and engagement.

We know how important it is to be practical and realistic about planning the rollout of leadership training that delivers lasting results.

High self-awareness is crucial to begin any leadership engagement.  And, who doesn’t love discovering more about themselves?

We use a range of rigorous and proven psychometric tools to start from a solid place understanding.  These include OPQ, MLQ Plus Converge’s own Mental Fitness Assessment, as well as the Hogan Assessment tool to name only some of the assessments we call upon to help leaders understand their strengths and areas for development.

Your learning goals will guide which tools we use.  They will also be used to track and measure change and improvement over time.


What tools can Converge offer your business?

Converge has an array of innovative support tools that complement our services.



Converge offers an array of organisational, team and individual assessment tools to assist in identifying potential, emerging or current psychological risk within an organisation.


Pre-employment psychometric assessments

Our SafeSelect psychometric assessment tools have been developed and honed over many decades.  The data we have gathered along the way ensures rock-solid validity and reliability, particularly for complex high-risk roles where public safety is paramount.

This enables us to confidently provide you with a sound measure of each candidate’s potential and allows you to consider this with the needs of the role over time.

Two people in an assessment
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Industry leaders in workplace mental health & wellbeing

Find out how we partner with organisations to support their mental health and wellbeing ambitions

Real people that care

We are fortunate to employ some of the most experienced and dedicated mental health professionals in the industry

A global, strategic approach to increase utilisation and awareness of a preventative EAP and wellbeing service
case study

A global, strategic approach to increase utilisation and awareness of a preventative EAP and wellbeing service.

The partnership journey forged between Qantas and Converge demonstrates high trust and the ability to be flexible and responsive at scale.

Help your employees feel supported


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