What is Peer Support?
Peer supporters are a network of employees who act as the first point of contact for colleagues. The role can be a challenging and potentially high-risk one. Selecting the right employees for this role is crucial to ensure the psychological safety of both the support officer and the people they work with.
There are four key stages to consider:
We have two assessment tools that are ideal for understanding the resilience, adaptability, and interpersonal style of your Peer Support Officers:
- Applicant Suitability Matrix (ASM)
This assessment is ideal for a general understanding of how a Peer Support Officer will interact with their colleagues, particularly when they are feeling vulnerable, and how they will maintain a general level of resilience in their role.
- Risk Prediction Index (RPI)
This assessment is ideal for when the Peer Support Officer may be dealing with very challenging issues as part of their role and there is a key focus on maintaining their psychological safety.
A tailored approach to support your organisation’s program, drawing from contemporary theory and practical application of skills and knowledge.
All modules are 2 hours in duration:
- Program modules
- Module 1: The Peer Support Officer Role (core)
- Module 2: Managing Distress (core)
- Module 3: Bullying and Harassment (core)
- Module 4: Mental Health Awareness (elective)
- Module 5: Domestic and Family Violence (elective)
- Module 6: Self-care and Wellbeing (core)
We can provide regular group supervision for peers and individual supervision or debriefing as required. We recommend staff have quarterly professional supervision.
The Peer Support Program is a bespoke and specialist service.
Working in partnership with By Mind Side, Converge is proud to offer a new solution to ensure your peer support program is being well utilised and allow reporting on themes, demographics and peer connections.
Maintaining confidentiality and privacy at all times, By Mind Side offers a solution to allow your peers and employees to be matched based on their needs, location or specialty as well allowing peers to record interactions as they go.
Using a simple app, or via the web, with customisation for each customer, your organisation can monitor the Peer Support Program to identify themes to guide your wellbeing strategy.