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HR & Recruitment Services

Pre-employment Psychometric Assessment

Are your candidates mentally job fit?

What are Pre-employment Psychometric Assessments?

We understand recruiting and selecting candidates for key roles in your organisation is critical to ensuring solid job fit and long-term success. That’s where we can help.

Our pre-employment psychometric testing is different to others in the market. We do more and dig deeper in some important ways. Over many years we have developed robust and proven tools that identify a candidate’s psychological risk and job fit for a role.

Our SafeSelect team comprises highly trained psychologists and specialist recruitment experts who will help you with each step of the recruitment process.

What we do differs from standard pre-employment psychological profiling, combining personality factor testing with psychological functional capacity evaluations in a unique way to determine each candidate’s risk profile and suitability for your advertised role.

For high-stakes roles, we know how important it is to get this right, so we cover all bases.  You will gain insight into each candidate’s:

  • Job suitability
  • Cognitive ability
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Personality and behavioural preferences
  • Potential psychological vulnerabilities and risk
  • Future performance
  • Future potential

Our Assessments

This assessment is specifically designed for environments where employees work with vulnerable people or have a responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of others. We get it, these are roles where you really have to be careful about selecting candidates who will be reliable and safe.

The ASM assesses a candidate’s suitability across factors including:

  • Working with others
  • Working style
  • Emotional control

Where we identify risk or concerns in a candidate’s profile, we’ll prepare interview questions for you so you can drill into this area of concern and form your own view.  This will all help build confidence you’re making the right recruitment decisions.

This is one of our flagship risk psychometric assessment tools and was specifically designed for the most high-risk work environments in our community.

This assessment is ideal for environments where there is psychological potential for violence or danger to the employee, the public or others. The RPI measures an individual’s level of psychological risk across:

  • Cognitive ability
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Working with others
  • Working style
  • Self-control
  • Psychological adjustment

This tool had unmatched reliability and validity data gained over decades of working with Australia’s largest policing and emergency services organisations as well as other high-risk employment environments.

Being this targeted and thorough will provide peace of mind that we can help you with even the most difficult recruitment decisions.

We understand that the best recruitment processes are well planned, involve screening and filtering steps that culminate in one or more interviews. We get that this is a major time and financial investment and you want to make sure you get it right. TRAIT helps bring this whole process together in a meaningful way.

This unique structured interview system, when combined with results from our psychometric assessments, provides employers with a comprehensive risk assessment of each applicant.

How do we do this?  Through reviewing performance data, as well as the candidate’s potential based on the personality and behaviour risk assessment, we will help the interviewer to be able to gain insight into how the candidate is likely to behave in the future, and their potential suitability for the role.

Sometimes employees can behave in extreme ways at work, at times even becoming violent.  We understand the risk this presents to you as their employer. But what should you do about it?

This assessment is designed to measure an individual’s cognitive ability, personality, psychological vulnerabilities and behavioural tendencies to provide an indication of their level of psychological risk and potential for future violence.

Armed with this assessment, you’ll be able to make clearer decisions about what actions may be required and how to reduce long term risk for your organisation.

Sound recruitment requires a few key things to come together in a special way. Fundamentally you need to use the best and most suitable assessment tools available for a role type, as well as the right processes to select the right candidates from a pool of applicants.

Some aspects of the recruitment process are standard and you and your team may be confident you’ve got this in hand. Others are more complex or nuanced, especially for high-risk roles or where public safety is involved. That’s where we work with you to make sure you build your in-house team’s skill, confidence and capability to run solid recruitment processes and make better decisions.

Converge International offers workshop-style training and accreditation programs to support you to effectively use our assessment tools, interview techniques and recruitment support services. Our training workshops are fully interactive and deliver memorable and highly practical learning. All workshops are facilitated by specialist registered psychologists.


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