What is Witness Support?
Being called as a witness is not generally a pleasant experience and can trigger understandable anxiety in individuals asked to give evidence.
Specialist Converge consultants work to support witnesses and other people who may have provided background preparation work leading into a legal case or hearing.
We assist people before, during and after their testimony to ensure their mental health is managed over time and they feel supported at each step in the process.
- Support people through the full episode related to the legal matter including those involved but not called to testify
- Psychological support for people who are stood down awaiting a legal process or investigation
- Provide coaching on how to manage anxiety especially when giving evidence
- Provide tips on controlling the situation
- Provide tips on avoiding media exposure
- Attend court with individuals if required as a support person
- Follow up post court attendance to ensure sound mental health over time.
- Support people through the legal process from end to end
- Provide tips and guidance on maintaining personal and sometimes professional boundaries
- Attend to help manage the impact of graphic or confronting material
- Support and normalise feelings of guilt or failure about what individuals should or could have done differently
- Conduct risk assessments on changing or declining mental health in individuals over time
- Referring for ongoing support in the community, if specialised help is required.
- Organisations whose employees are called before Inquiries or Royal Commissions
- Organisations involved in court cases
- Courts, legislative bodies and commissions who want to support witnesses in distressing and sensitive cases
- Organisations who are providing support to complainants in redress schemes
Witness Support is a specialised service, very different to EAP. We use our most experienced mental health team members to do this sensitive work.
Critical Incidents — Rapid Response
Find out how Converge provides practical psychological support for those impacted by potentially traumatic events and critical incidents.
Real people that care
We boast some of the most experienced and dedicated health professionals in the industry.