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Creating Meaningful Insights from Data

We know that one of the most important elements of our services is “closing the loop”: making sure that we provide the best possible information back to our customers about the wellbeing of their people.

Informed by data

What Data do we Collect & Analyse for EAP Services?

Sometimes the services we provide also give us insights into workplace issues that an employer needs to take action on.

Converge collects and de-identifies data that enables us to analyse and report on trends, not only at a partner customer level but also regionally and by industry.

This enables us to deliver comprehensive utilisation reports, highlighting key organisational areas and issue-based trends within your organisation.

We also specifically measure and report on the impact of issues on the workplace – even when those issues arise from personal circumstances.

The data we collect is:

  • Date/time of intake and subsequent sessions
  • Presenting issues (personal, work, or other assist streams)
  • Organisation group and/or department
  • Selected demographics, including gender, age, and length of employment
  • Delivery mode (face-to-face, virtual, or phone-based)
  • Client feedback and satisfaction levels, including NPS
  • Client outcomes and wellbeing levels on a per session basis as well as at the end of their sessions
  • Any “red flag” issues that workplaces might need to know about, such as bullying, harassment and discrimination
  • Client risk levels and risk assessments
  • The role of the workplace in the issues and the impact on the workplace of the issues
Next-Gen Support

What Value does Our Data & Reporting Capabilities Add?

Experience unrivalled business growth with EAP support

Key highlights:


employees supported


people on average per month we’re supporting


of Australians are reached by face-to-face Converge consultants


Critical Incident appointments supporting 3,500 events in 2023

anytime, anywhere, 24/7

The counselling we provide in a crisis

When your team is hit by a small- or large-scale event and needs on-the-spot care, Converge is here anytime, anywhere. But how do we support your team?

For Customers

  • Detailed understanding of how and when EAP and other services are utilised
  • Benchmark comparisons with both industry and regional utilisation trends and themes
  • Identification of key issues or changes in utilisation within your organisation
  • Early notification of any risk “red flags” (such as bullying or harassment in a team) that you may need to take action on
  • Proactive and data-driven recommendations on how to get the most out of the service

For Clients

  • Personal tracking of wellbeing on a session-by-session basis
  • Improved workplace culture through organisations taking action where there is a pattern or trend that has been identified
  • Tailored advice based on your unique needs

If you require crisis counselling, call 1300 687 327!

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