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Preventing Psychosocial Risk in the Workplace

Creating a safe and healthy workplace has never been more important with proposed and future amendments to WH&S legislation requiring organisations to manage their psychosocial risks.

Specialised Assessments

What is psychosocial safety?

Psychosocial safety refers to the conditions within a workplace that supports the psychological and emotional wellbeing of employees, creating an environment free from harm or undue stress caused by work-related factors. It encompasses the identification and management of psychosocial risks and the organisational culture that can negatively impact mental health and overall wellbeing.

For organisations, ensuring psychosocial safety is not just about compliance with regulations; it is about fostering a culture where employees feel valued, supported and psychologically safe. This involves recognising the impact of workplace dynamics – such as leadership style, communication patterns, and conflict resolution – on employee mental health. When organisations prioritise psychosocial safety, they are not only addressing mental health risks but are also enhancing productivity, reducing absenteeism, improving retention, and ultimately creating a more resilient, engaged workforce.

In todays complex workplace environments, where the lines between our personal and professional lives can blur, organisations are increasingly aware of the importance of psychosocial safety. Leaders who proactively manage psychosocial risks through wellbeing initiatives, clear policies, and supportive leadership demonstrate a commitment to the long-term health and success of their employees and the organisation as a whole.

But what are the 14 psychosocial risks: 

  • Low job control,
  • High or low job demands,
  • Poor support,
  • Poor change management,
  • Organisational Justice,
  • Low recognition and reward,
  • Low role clarity,
  • Poor workplace relationships,
  • Poor environmental conditions,
  • Remote and isolated work,
  • Exposure to traumatic content or events,
  • Violence and aggression,
  • Bullying,
  • Sexual harassment.
Benefits for your business

Our key insights

Experience unrivalled business growth with EAP support

Key highlights:


EAP hours completed


onsite wellbeing hours completed


Critical Incidents and 40,000+ hours of support provided


training and consulting hours completed

Understanding Psychosocial Risks

What we offer to help you manage your psychosocial risks

Psychosocial Risk Assessment

Our psychosocial risk assessment is a systematic approach to identifying and mitigating mental health risks in the workplace. By recognising potential hazards, evaluating their impact, implementing control measures, and continuously reviewing their effectiveness, we help organisations create safer, healthier environments. This comprehensive process not only ensures compliance with legal requirements but also fosters a supportive and positive workplace culture.

Strategic Partnerships

  • Expertise in designing, developing and reviewing psychosocial risk management systems
  • Comprehensive psychosocial strategy development through facilitation, creating and reviewing strategies
  • Psychological support to ensure the mental wellbeing and safety of employees, including training, crisis intervention, peer support programs, employee assistance programs, workplace wellbeing initiatives and leadership development

Psychosocial Risk Mitigation

Based on these 14 risks, and those not identified in the framework, Converge with partner with you to develop your psychosocial risk specific strategies, that include:

  • Specialised consulting on specific psychosocial risk mitigation and alignment with workplace culture.
  • Facilitated psychosocial risk solutions development targeting, senior leadership, front line leadership or teams.

Psychosocial Risk Training

This form of training involves tailored multimodal psychosocial health and safety training programs, including psychosocial awareness, conducting risk assessment, risk mitigation and risk specific topics.

Our programs can target executives, leaders, staff and specialists in Health, safety and wellbeing, including:

  • Face to face
  • Webinars
  • eLearning
  • Micro-learning
  • Multimodal

Culture & Psychosocial Health Audit

We can support you in creating and sustaining a healthy workplace, which has never been more important. By building a positive working environment and managing psychosocial health and safety, you can help improve your organisational and individual outcomes, while avoiding the costs associated with an unhealthy workplace.


What Our Culture & Psychosocial Health Audit Entails

A holistic approach aimed at measuring the current state of psychosocial health and wellbeing in the workplace. It involves a rigorous and bespoke audit process that identifies actions that can be taken from a prevention, promotion, early intervention and recovery perspective to create and sustain a healthy workplace.

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