A whole year of ways to help you be your best
Featuring a different theme each month, the Converge 2024 Wellbeing Calendar is here to help you be your best every day of the year. Featuring days of celebrations, events to help expand your skills, activities in the Converge app and service highlights, the Wellbeing Calendar is available here or can be downloaded for easy access.
Wellbeing Calendar 2025
As May approaches, let's reflect on our connections. Beyond friends and family, consider the benefits and impacts of relationships with...
Awareness Days:
- 4th World Braille Day
- 26th Australia Day
- 27th Holocaust Remembrance Day
Flourish Magazine:
Flourish Magazine
In the App:
PlateUp Module
Transforming Lives:
Nutrition for Life
Service Highlight:
Nutrition Assist
Thrive Podcast:
First Nations Perspectives this Australia Day
Wellbeing Calendar 2024
April celebrates World Health Day and it’s important to recognise all the elements that make up a healthy life.
Awareness Days:
- 7th World Health Day
- 24-30th World Immunisation Week
- 28th World Day for Safety and Health at Work
Flourish Magazine:
Flourish Magazine
In the App:
Money Matters Module
Transforming Lives:
- The Cost of Living and Mental Health
Service Highlight:
Service Highlight Money Assist
Thrive Podcast:
As May arrives, let's reflect on our connections. Beyond friends and family, consider the impact of relationships with colleagues, customers,...
Awareness Days:
- 12th Mother’s Day
- 15th International Day of Families
- 26th National Sorry Day
- 27th May-3rd Jun – Reconciliation Week
- 31st World No Tobacco Day
Flourish Magazine:
Flourish Magazine
In the App:
Spotlight on Relationships
Transforming Lives:
- Managing Personal Issues in the Workplace
Service Highlight:
Conflict Assist
Thrive Podcast:
In June, we are diving into career development, focusing on honing on leadership skills and overcoming imposter syndrome.
Awareness Days:
- Pride Month
- 1st Global Day of Parents
- 12th International Men’s Health Week
- 20th World Refugee Day
- 21st International Day of Yoga
Flourish Magazine:
Flourish Magazine
In the App:
Leadership Mini Series
Transforming Lives:
- Imposter Syndrome
Service Highlight:
Career Assist
Thrive Podcast:
In July, we focus on diversity’s impact in the workplace and daily life. Embracing diversity fosters innovation, enhances problem-solving, and...
Lifestyle & Nutrition
In August, we focus on the impact of lifestyle and nutrition on your overall health and wellbeing.
Lifestyle & Nutrition
Awareness Days:
- 7th Aged Care Employee Day
- 16th National Day Against Bullying and Violence
- 19th World Humanitarian Day
Flourish Magazine:
Flourish Magazine
In the App:
PlateUp and H20 Modules
Transforming Lives:
- The Impact of Nutrition on Mental Health
Service Highlight:
Nutrition Assist
Thrive Podcast:
Mental Health
This September, our theme for the month is ‘Mental Health,’ a crucial topic that resonates deeply in our increasingly fast-paced...
Mental Health
Awareness Days:
- 10th World Suicide Prevention Day
- 12th R U OK? Day
- 29th World Heart Day
Flourish Magazine:
Flourish Magazine
In the App:
Transforming Lives:
- Enhancing Mental Health Literacy in the Workplace
Service Highlight:
Employee Assist
Thrive Podcast:
In October, we want to create a safe environment is the foundation of well-being. It ensures that everyone feels secure...
Awareness Days:
- National Safe Work Month
- Mental Health Month
- World Mental Health Day
- National Carers Week
- World Menopause Day
Flourish Magazine:
Flourish Magazine
In the App:
Sleep Challenge
Transforming Lives:
Integrating Psychosocial Safety with Right to Disconnect – Insights and Compliance
Service Highlight:
Manager Support
Thrive Podcast:
In November, we want to practice gratitude enhances our overall happiness and strengthens relationships. By acknowledging the positives in our...
Awareness Days:
- 19th International Men’s Day
- 25th White Ribbon Day
- Domestic and Family Violence Awareness Month
- Movember
Flourish Magazine:
Flourish Magazine
In the App:
Gratitude Journal
Transforming Lives:
Mindful Moments at Work
Service Highlight:
Domestic and Family Violence Helpline
Thrive Podcast:
In December, we want to build a strong community nurtures a sense of belonging and mutual support. It connects us...
Awareness Days:
- 3rd International Day of Persons with Disabilities
- 5th International Volunteer Day
Flourish Magazine:
Flourish Magazine
In the App:
Holiday Season Support
Transforming Lives:
Supporting employees through organisational change
Service Highlight:
Disability and Carer’s Helpline
Thrive Podcast:
Mental Health during the holiday period